
DeepLTranslateisthego-totranslationappfortext,speech,images,andfilessupportingmorethan30languages.Millionsofpeopleuseiteverydayto ...,DeepL翻译是翻译文本、语音、图像和文件的首选应用程序。支持30多门语言。每天都有数百万人使用其跨越语言障碍并进行交流。立即免费使用,获取快速和高度准确的译文。,DeepLTranslateisthego-totranslationappfortext,speech,images,andfilessupportingmorethan30languages.Millions...

在App Store 上的「DeepL Translate」

DeepL Translate is the go-to translation app for text, speech, images, and files supporting more than 30 languages. Millions of people use it every day to ...

App Store 上的“DeepL翻译”


DeepL Translate

DeepL Translate is the go-to translation app for text, speech, images, and files supporting more than 30 languages. Millions of people use it every day to ...

DeepL Translate

DeepL Translate 是支持30 多種語言的文本、語音、圖像和文件的首選翻譯應用程序。每天都有數百萬人使用它來交流和克服語言障礙。立即開始使用它,獲得免費、快速且 ...

DeepL Translate App for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android

Translate in any application anywhere for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. See why more than 1 million people work faster with our apps.

DeepL Translate App for Android and iOS

Enjoy your favorite DeepL features on the go. Text translation. Translate between 28 languages directly from your phone. Android | iOS. Text to speech.

DeepL 适用于任何翻译的应用程序和扩展

为任何情境提供准确的翻译. 工作、浏览网页还是聊天? 在办公桌前还是在途中? 无论您身处何地,我们都能为您提供符合您需求的翻译工具包。 在Google Play上下载.

DeepL The right app or extension for every translation

Fast, accurate, and high-quality translations on mobile, desktop, and directly in your browser. Used by millions of people around the world to ease and ...

随行翻译应用程序——DeepL 安卓版

为你的安卓手机免费提供文本、照片、语音和文档翻译。下载DeepL 应用程序,随时随地用外语进行读写。

DeepL for Windows

Translate faster with this desktop app while reading and writing. Same translation quality, with additional time-saving features.

Transmiti 1.73 - 方便使用的Google翻譯軟體

Transmiti 1.73 - 方便使用的Google翻譯軟體
